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How to protect your credit after divorce

For anyone that has been through a divorce, you know all of the heartache that is associated with it. You know all of the tears, the frustrations, the fear, the anger, and the confusion that comes along with a divorce. Divorce is a painful, expensive, life changing […]

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How are credit scores compiled?

You have seen dozens of commercials about credit scores and have heard even more rumors about credit and how your score affects you.  So what is a credit score and how is it determined?  Well the first thing you need to know is that no transaction is […]

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What’s a good credit score and what rates do you get?

Credit score is emphasized in society as being very important.  Since credit bureaus started computing credit scores that credit card companies and lenders use to determine the chances of you paying back a debt, those scores have been used to make judgments about their owners.  Scores are […]

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